14 Brand Awareness Strategies to Boost Your Brand

By Madison Taylor
August 23, 2024
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Building strong brand awareness is key to long-term business success, but it requires a good amount of time and investment. There are so many ways to achieve brand awareness, each designed to make sure people see your brand, get to know it, and ultimately want to learn more. The main goal is to attract and engage potential customers, making your brand memorable and recognizable. Over time, these efforts aim to turn casual onlookers into loyal customers who support and advocate for your brand. Here are fourteen strategies to help boost your brand’s visibility.

Maximize Your Social Media Presence and Engagement

A strong social media presence is vital for brand awareness. Create and share content that resonates with your audience. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Use features like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, and Twitter polls to interact with your audience and keep them engaged.

Example: Imagine you’re a fashion brand. You could use Instagram Stories to show behind-the-scenes footage of a photo shoot, respond to follower questions in real-time, and use polls to get feedback on new designs.

Engage Your Audience with Brand Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with your audience emotionally. Share your brand’s story, values, and mission in a compelling way. Use blog posts, videos, and social media to tell your story. Authentic storytelling helps build a deeper connection with your audience and fosters brand loyalty.

Example: If you’re a sustainable food company, create a video series that highlights your farm-to-table process, introduces the farmers you work with, and explains your commitment to sustainability.

Invest in Advertising

Investing in advertising can significantly boost your brand’s visibility. Use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads to reach a broader audience. Focus on creating ads that highlight your brand’s unique selling points and resonate with your target market. Keep an eye on ad performance and tweak your strategy as needed to get the best results.

Example: A tech startup could run a series of Facebook Ads showcasing the unique features of their new app, targeting tech enthusiasts and professionals in relevant fields.

Get Some Positive Media Coverage

Positive media coverage can do wonders for your brand’s reputation. Build relationships with journalists and media outlets that are relevant to your industry. Share press releases, offer expert commentary, and pitch stories that showcase your brand’s strengths and achievements. Positive media coverage can boost your brand’s credibility and reach.

Example: A healthcare company could pitch a story to health and wellness magazines about a groundbreaking treatment they developed, offering interviews with their lead scientists.

Sponsorships and Partnerships

Sponsoring events related to your industry and target audience or partnering with a like-minded company can help increase brand awareness. Choose events that align with your brand values and goals. Sponsorship can range from financial support to providing products or services. Make sure your brand is prominently featured at the event through banners, booths, and promotional materials.

Example: A sports drink company can sponsor a local marathon, providing drinks for participants and setting up branded hydration stations along the race route.

Put a Face to Your Brand

Showcasing the people behind your brand or appointing a spokesperson can significantly enhance your brand’s relatability and memorability. This individual should personify your brand’s values and personality, serving as a compelling representative in marketing campaigns, social media posts, and events to engage with your audience effectively. When executed well, they can become iconic symbols of your brand, boosting brand recall. Consider examples like Progressive’s Flo and the squad, Jake from State Farm, and Duolingo’s Duo. All of these companies have successfully found a person or group to help tell their brand’s story, share company information, and overall humanize their business—especially in industries like insurance, which can be quite mundane without a spokesperson. By leveraging these representatives, they’ve made their brands more engaging and relatable, turning otherwise dull products into something memorable and approachable.

Example: A cereal brand could create a fun, animated mascot that appears in commercials, social media posts, and on packaging, becoming a beloved character that both children and parents recognize.

Be Human

Similar to putting a face to your brand, be human. You might not have the time or budget for a spokesperson, but there are other ways to humanize your brand. Simply by showing how you do things, your approach, and the why behind your brand, you help people learn about your brand in a way that’s beyond just your services. Share behind-the-scenes content, employee stories, and customer testimonials. Being transparent and authentic in your communications helps build trust and relatability with your audience. Take inspiration from companies like Spindrift, which has multiple people on social media to share information and connect with their audience.

Example: A software company could share employee spotlights, showcasing team members’ roles and personalities and customer success stories highlighting how their product has helped users solve real problems.

Incentivize Referrals

Encourage your existing customers to refer your brand to their friends and family by offering incentives. This can include discounts, freebies, or loyalty points for successful referrals. A referral program not only increases brand awareness but also leverages the trust your customers have in your brand to attract new customers.

Example: A subscription box service could offer a discount on the next box for every new customer referred by an existing subscriber, boosting both brand awareness and customer acquisition.

Collaborate with Like-Minded Influencers

Partnering with influencers, including micro-influencers, can help your brand reach a wider and more targeted audience. Choose influencers whose followers align with your target market. Collaborate on content that showcases your brand’s products or services authentically. Influencer partnerships can amplify your brand message and build credibility.

Example: A skincare brand could partner with beauty influencers to create tutorials and reviews featuring their products, reaching a larger audience of potential customers.

Be About More Than Just Your Products

Focus on the values, mission, and vision of your brand, rather than just the products or services you offer. Share stories that highlight your company’s commitment to social responsibility, sustainability, or community involvement. This approach helps create a deeper connection with your audience and reinforces a positive brand image.

Example: A coffee company could share stories about their fair trade practices, community projects they support, and environmental initiatives they undertake, emphasizing their commitment to ethical business practices.

Leverage Omnichannel Marketing

Adopt an omnichannel approach to your marketing strategy. Ensure your brand message is consistent across all platforms, including social media, email marketing, your website, and offline channels. This integrated approach ensures that your audience has a cohesive experience with your brand, no matter where they encounter it.

Example: A retail brand can integrate their online and offline marketing efforts by using QR codes in-store that lead to exclusive online content, ensuring a seamless and engaging customer experience across all channels.

Engage with Your Target Audience Online

Customer-centric companies will always beat their competitors. Make sure you understand the channels your audience prefers and the challenges they face. Engage with them on those platforms and address their specific needs, interests, and problems. By connecting with your audience in a meaningful way, you can build stronger relationships and increase brand loyalty.

Example: A financial services company could create educational content on LinkedIn, targeting professionals interested in personal finance and participate in relevant discussions to address their audience’s concerns and provide valuable insights.

Tap into Offline Marketing Opportunities

Don’t underestimate the power of offline marketing to boost brand awareness. Use traditional methods like print ads, direct mail, and promotional merchandise to reach potential customers. Organize or participate in community events, trade shows, and conferences to increase your brand’s visibility. Offline marketing can complement your online efforts and create a comprehensive brand awareness strategy.

Example: A home improvement company can distribute branded merchandise like tote bags and notepads at a local home and garden show, ensuring their brand is visible even after the event.

Implement Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

Guerrilla marketing involves unconventional and creative tactics to grab attention and generate buzz. This could include flash mobs, street art, or viral stunts. The goal is to create a memorable and shareable experience that captures the audience’s attention and encourages them to spread the word about your brand.

Example: A beverage company could create a pop-up installation in a busy city center that dispenses free samples and offers an immersive brand experience, encouraging visitors to share their experience on social media.

Final Thoughts

By implementing these fourteen brand awareness strategies, you can increase your brand’s visibility, build strong brand equity, and foster lasting relationships with your audience. Consistent effort and strategic planning will help you achieve significant results and drive business growth.