5 Ways You’re Missing on Your Marketing Strategy

When your marketing strategy is hitting on all cylinders, you’re more likely to experience a windfall of attention and cash flow. But there may be times in which no matter how hard you try, all of your efforts seem to be for naught. When this happens, it’s time to evaluate the strategy that’s being applied and pinpoint any problem areas.Identifying your mistakes can often be the first real step into making improvements that will breathe new life into your company. There are a number of potential problems that can occur, but some seem to stand out more, especially in the current marketing atmosphere. Let’s take a look at our 5 favorite ways that you may be missing the mark on your current marketing strategy:Failing to Define Your Goals When you begin any type of marketing campaign, it’s vital that you define your goals. It’s not enough to send out a campaign and conclude that it’s successful after the numbers have come in. You need to be aware of your specific goals — what you want out of that particular campaign — before it begins. Once the campaign has launched, you can gauge the results against your initial goals. This will help you refine your strategy for future campaigns.
Not Taking Advantage of Mobile Capabilities
Too many companies are not taking full advantage of everything that mobile computing has to offer when it comes to marketing. With newer smartphones and tablets, consumers can search for products and services from virtually anywhere. If your company isn’t constructing its website to be mobile-friendly, then you’re missing an opportunity to be found and utilized by millions of potential customers. In fact, some companies have websites that can hardly be read at all on a mobile device, which is a real head-scratcher.
Shortchanging Your Strategy as a Whole
Here’s a situation that’s always interesting. A company devises a marketing strategy, but decides they need professional help to improve and streamline their tactics. But when they walk in and present their current strategy to the marketing professional, he or she realizes that it isn’t really a strategy at all. There may be a series of ideas and objectives, but certain elements like budget and market analysis may not have even been considered. Don’t get us wrong. More often than not, what the business has concentrated on consists of top-notch work. It simply needs to be expanded.
Misunderstanding The Impact of “Going Viral”
A new trend in the world of advertising is the idea of “going viral.” This means that something has been put out on the Internet — often a video or meme — that catches on like wildfire and gets millions of hits, shares, likes, etc. Unfortunately, too many marketing companies see “going viral” as a primary goal despite the fact that doing so doesn’t guarantee additional cash flow. While this may provide you with more exposure, it won’t necessarily equal a better conversion rate.
Neglecting Potential Demographics
For whatever reason, many companies focus on a certain demographic even when their products have the potential to cover several different types, whether you’re referring to male and female, ethnicity, age, location, etc. Very often, creating an entire marketing campaign to focus on a specific demographic will open up possibilities that you never thought possible. As an added bonus, you’ll also get a reputation as an all-inclusive business, which is always a good thing.These are only a few ways that you company may be missing the mark on your marketing strategy. It’s important to break down your strategy with a professional marketing consultant who can help identify problem areas and provide solutions to fix them. The fewer marketing mistakes you make, the more successful you will become!