Hiring A Marketing Agency: 6 Questions to Ask

By Madison Taylor
August 8, 2024
neon sign with the word "ask" for an article about hiring the right marketing agency

Hiring a marketing agency is a pivotal decision for businesses aiming to boost their marketing effectiveness and stimulate growth. Given the plethora of options available, it’s crucial to choose a partner that possesses the necessary expertise, can genuinely enhance your marketing outcomes, and seamlessly integrates with your team. Here are five essential questions to ask when evaluating prospective marketing agencies, ensuring they align with your goals and have the experience to drive meaningful results.

1. What’s your typical work style? 

When hiring a marketing agency, it is essential to determine whether its work style complements your company’s operational rhythm and culture. Inquire about their approach to managing daily operations, client communication, decision-making processes, and project management. This can include their readiness to handle urgent requests, their method of prioritizing tasks, and their flexibility in adapting to sudden changes.

Red Flag Answer: “We’re pretty laid back and adapt as we go along.”

What It Tells You: While flexibility is valuable, this answer might indicate a lack of structured processes, affecting the consistency and reliability of the results they deliver. Effective agencies typically have grounded methods and project planning that balance flexibility with disciplined execution.

2. Who is my main point of contact? 

It’s crucial to know who will be directly responsible for your account. This includes understanding the structure of their team and how responsibilities are divided. A clear point of contact ensures that you have a go-to person for updates, queries, and any issues that might arise.

Red Flag Answer: “You can just email our general inbox.”

What It Tells You: This approach suggests a lack of direct accountability and personalized attention to your project. It could lead to communication issues and slower response times, which are not conducive to the agile management of marketing campaigns.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

Identifying the agency’s strengths will highlight their areas of expertise and their core competencies, which should align with your primary needs when hiring a marketing agency. Understanding their weaknesses, or areas they are looking to improve, can help you assess their honesty and transparency, which are crucial for a trustworthy relationship.

Red Flag Answer: “We’re great at everything we do.”

What It Tells You: No agency is perfect, and an inability to acknowledge weaknesses is a red flag for potential communication and transparency issues down the road.

4. What’s your experience with ___? 

This could be about the service you are looking for, such as websites, online stores, advertising, or your industry. This question is aimed at gauging their specific experience relevant to your needs. Whether it’s a service, a technology, or an industry sector, understanding their depth of experience can inform you of their ability to navigate and deliver results specific to your context.

Red Flag Answer: “We’ve just started expanding into that area.”

What It Tells You: If an agency doesn’t have extensive experience in your specific area or industry, it doesn’t automatically disqualify them, especially if you require sophisticated expertise. While deep experience is invaluable, the effectiveness of an agency also hinges on their research capabilities and adaptability. If they offer the services you need but lack industry-specific experience, consider giving them a chance to present their approach. They might introduce fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that more established, industry-focused agencies might overlook. However, keep in mind that venturing into new areas often involves a learning curve they may still be navigating.

5. How do you handle failure? 

It’s important to know how an agency deals with setbacks or campaigns that don’t go as planned. This question reveals their capacity for accountability, resilience, and adaptability, which are crucial qualities for navigating the complexities of marketing.

Red Flag Answer: “We rarely fail.”

What It Tells You: Failure is a part of any business, and an agency that claims they rarely fail may not be transparent. You want a partner who is honest about setbacks and proactive in learning from them to prevent future issues.

6. Can you provide examples of how you’ve driven growth for similar companies?  

You need concrete evidence of their capability when hiring a marketing agency. Request examples, case studies, or performance data that showcase how they’ve handled similar situations or achieved growth for clients in similar sectors.

Red Flag Answer: “Due to confidentiality, we can’t share specific client results or data.”

What It Tells You: While respecting client confidentiality is important, agencies should be able to showcase their success through anonymized data or generalized case studies without compromising sensitive information.

Final Thoughts

When hiring a marketing agency, vetting potential agencies will help businesses ensure they choose a partner that understands their goals and possesses the proven expertise to significantly impact their marketing efforts. The ideal agency will act as an extension of your team, offering not just services but strategic insights and innovative solutions tailored to propel your business forward in a competitive landscape. Remember, the ultimate goal is to establish a partnership characterized by mutual understanding, robust communication, and collaborative success.