Marketing Content: Don Draper Style
It feels like just yesterday that the tales of Don Draper finally came to an end. Oh, wait … it wasn’t yesterday, but it was pretty darn close. So is it too soon to truncate seven seasons of this popular show into just a handful of short content marketing tips? We certainly don’t think so. In fact, below are a few of the tips that you may have noticed if you just happened to be a fan of the show. And if you’ve never seen it, perhaps it’s time for a little binge-watching so you can get up to speed.
Research. Research. Research.
Don Draper never seemed to be a fan of research reports, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t understand the need for solid research. When you’re writing about any topic, even one that you’re quite familiar with, it’s always a good idea to do your own bit of research before speaking out about it. Information and techniques are constantly changing and even experts in a specific field may be unaware of experiments, market research, or other such information that could give them a new perspective. That being said, make sure that any new information you discover is backed by its own research and/or facts — don’t just blindly accept anything you find, especially on the internet, as the gospel.
Stand Out Like Nobody’s Business
It is very possible that the product or service that you offer is completely unique, which is a great way to entice potential customers and keep existing customers coming back for more. But whether you’re offering something that no one has ever seen before or you’re doing things better than the other guy, you need to ensure that you stand out amongst the crowd. Don Draper and his team provided this kind of strategy even early in the first season with the “It’s Toasted” principle and “The Lemon,” but what you’ll want to do is tailor your marketing strategy to your specific offerings.
Write Engaging Copy
This marketing strategy is nothing you haven’t heard before. Don Draper and every person he ever respected on Mad Men knew very well how important engaging copy is to any marketing campaign. If your copy is subpar, you’re going to have a difficult time breaking through the barrier of consumer pushback. What you want to do is write copy that people are really going to care about. This may be as simple as a how-to guide for something that your readers will find useful. Step-by-step instructions are a great way to introduce a reader to a new concept, as is breaking down content into a few sub-headers that they can begin to implement immediately. This content should be interesting to both those who already know a little something about the topic and to those who are coming in fresh with no knowledge at all.
Advertise 24/7
Even when your marketing department is closed for the day, your company should be advertising. We don’t mean that you need to have a paid intern sitting by his or her computer day and night spewing our social media links and other such things. What we mean is that your company should be advertising your brand at all times. Whether you’re actively pushing a marketing campaign or resting on your laurels for a few minutes (and that’s the very most that you should be doing that), advertising should always be in the back of your head. An easy mantra to remember is this: Your company IS your product … and YOU are your product as well. Don Draper understood this concept and he put it to good use.
You don’t need to hire Don Draper to help you develop some great marketing strategies that will get your product or service to the forefront of the general public. What you do need, however, is a reputable marketing firm that has proven its worth. Madison Taylor Marketing has been assisting small and medium-sized businesses in the ways of marketing for years and we can develop a strategy that will work for you. Contact us right away and we’ll get you started on the road to further success!