5 SEO Tools for Your Arsenal

As a small business owner, you may sometimes feel that your website is a little fish in a vast ocean of competition. While it is true that major corporations seem to naturally find their way to the top of search engine results, though, that doesn’t mean that your page can’t move right up there with them.
Search engine optimization (SEO) works to boost your search engine ranking, thus driving more traffic to your business and helping you to increase sales. If may sound like magic, but it’s not. SEO takes a lot of planning, web savvy, and work in order to be effective. This post will explore 5 important SEO tools for small businesses to take advantage of for the highest success rate.
1. Google
Google should be for your very first stop when “shopping” for tools to fill your SEO toolbox. After all, where better to go than straight to the source? Google offers a number of incredible SEO tools for small businesses including:
Google AdWords — Take advantage of this device when looking for the best keywords for your content. AdWords will provide you with this information based on search volume.
Google Webmaster Tools — Google provides access to the most detailed reports and website data, in addition to other valuable resources that will help you improve your site in Google Search results.
Google Analytics — Not sure if your keywords are really grabbing the attention of the masses? Track if and how they are driving traffic to your site.
Google Trends — Stay current by taking a look at what is presently trending on Google Search and learn from the past by looking into trend histories.
2. Ubersuggest
Sometimes coming up with SEO-friendly keywords can be challenging. Ubersuggest is a great tool for simplifying this process — especially if you find that you keep getting stuck on the same search terms. By entering a keyword or phrase that applies to the type of content you are looking to provide to your customers, you’ll receive a number of related terms to strengthen your SEO. This tool also takes a look at your base keyword and helps you to expand it depending on what’s trending in real-life search queries.
3. WooRank
Regardless of how new or old you are to the SEO game, it’s important to be aware of where your strengths and weaknesses lay. WooRank is a versatile tool that works to review how SEO-friendly your website actually is. Various metrics including SEO, social media, mobile optimization, usability, etc. are used to analyze how and where the site could be improved to attract more traffic and keep users on your page longer. Although a single site can be checked for free, unlimited reviews can also be purchased so that you’re constantly able to improve your pages.
4. Adwords and SEO Secrets
Newbies to the SEO game can take advantage of this free iOS app, which offers numerous resources designed to better acquaint you with how SEO can be used to increase traffic and sales, as well as useful tips and tutorials for doing so.
5. HubSpot SEO
HubSpot really is an all-in-one automating solution for handling everything that’s related to SEO for you. The platform offers real-time SEO advice throughout the content generation process and provides advanced keyword targeting. It will also help you to expand social media reach and mobile optimization capabilities.
With so many incredible tools at your command, there’s no reason for you to get lost in the online shuffle ever again. There’s also no reason for you to go it alone. Madison Taylor Marketing is ready to join your SEO team and take your business to the next level. Reach out to us today!