How to Create a Paid Ads Strategy on Social Media

By Madison Taylor
December 1, 2023
Two women looking at a laptop screen

Achieving viral success through word of mouth is the ultimate dream. However, marketing messaging often requires some extra assistance to reach the right audience. That’s where paid advertising in social media comes into play.

What Social Posts Should You Boost?

Boosting ads is a bit like a science experiment. When you’re starting out, you need to roll up your sleeves and give a few ads a boost to see what catches on. Begin with modest investments, observe what works, and refine your approach. Here are some practical strategies:

A/B Testing: It’s akin to a laboratory experiment where you run two versions of the same post. Half your audience sees version A, and the other half sees version B. This allows you to test different elements like graphics, images, and copy. Evaluate the results and focus on boosting posts that garner the most engagement.

Leverage Historical Success: Examine your top-performing posts from recent times. Identify the post types that have worked well for you and amplify similar content.

Promote Upcoming Events: If you have important events or promotions on the horizon, start boosting your content well in advance. Begin about a month ahead, or even earlier for major events, and periodically boost to ensure your message reaches a wide audience.

Amplify What’s Working: When you notice organic content gaining traction and engagement, give it a little nudge with a paid boost. Since people are already engaging with it, enhancing its reach can be highly effective.

How Should You Set a Budget for Social Media Advertising?

Start small and cautious. Allocate less than $100 to each boosted post or tweet and monitor the results. Utilize tools like Facebook’s analytics, the Facebook Pixel, and Google Analytics to gauge the effectiveness of your boosts.

If the initial results are positive, consider increasing your budget. The success of a boosted post depends on various factors, such as the post itself, your follower count, and the targeted audience.

To find the right balance, you’ll need to experiment with both the budget amount and duration. There is a point of diminishing returns, but you’ll only discover it through trial and error. In some cases, especially for e-commerce sites, a more substantial upfront investment can be worthwhile if it results in increased sales.

Who is Your Audience?

Unlike organic posts, ads can be precisely targeted to reach specific groups. To achieve the best engagement, it’s essential to define your target audience. Here are some key considerations:

Buyer Personas: These detailed profiles of your ideal customers are invaluable. Social media platforms allow you to target parameters like age, interests, or even your competitors’ customers.

Location: Depending on your business, it may be beneficial to restrict your advertising to a specific area. Even for web-based businesses, focusing on your primary operating state or country can be a strategic move.

Age: Keep in mind the age range of your buyer personas and any legal restrictions. For instance, tailor your advertising to be age-appropriate, such as excluding alcohol-related promotions for underage viewers.

Setting Advertising Goals

Establishing clear goals is essential for assessing the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. Your specific goals will vary depending on your business type and current circumstances. Here are some common objectives:

Traffic: Ideal for startups looking to establish an online presence. Tools like Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics provide detailed data on your website traffic sources.

Conversions or Sales: Relevant if you’re already generating traffic but need to convert visitors into leads. Google Analytics can help track conversions and sales resulting from your ads.

Budget Efficiency: Important when working with a limited budget. Metrics like Cost-Per-Click (CPC) or Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) help you measure the effectiveness of your advertising spend. Focus on the most successful channels by tracking how much attention your advertising receives for each dollar.

Event Signups and Attendance: Suitable for promoting specific events. Use metrics like event signups and attendance to evaluate the success of your ad campaigns. Tracker links can help link signups back to specific promotions.

A well-planned paid ads strategy can significantly enhance your social media presence and achieve your marketing goals. By experimenting with boosting strategies, setting reasonable budgets, targeting the right audience, and establishing clear goals, you can make the most of your advertising efforts in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.