Facebook has announced that it will be testing a new feature that serves business suggestions to people who don’t follow those businesses. When users browse their usual news feed, they’ll see suggestions for topics that they might be interested in — a news article about home improvement ideas might have a button underneath it asking if the reader is interested in DIY projects, for example.
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One of the most important synergies in your company is the cooperation between your sales and marketing teams. In fact, the failure to align sales and marketing departments is the number one reason that an organization’s annual revenue plateaus or even declines. Today, there are multiple technology solutions created with the purpose of solving the misalignment between sales and marketing, resulting in a more efficient company. How can technology help?
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Looking forward to 2021, how should you continue to ride the sudden uptick in the effectiveness of social media and leverage the new optimism of a post-COVID world? Harvard Business Review has some suggestions.
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Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is based on a simple premise: driving people to your website is all well and good, but if those visitors aren’t converting, then all the traffic your site receives is meaningless. So how can landing pages make the difference in your conversions? And what can you learn from the best in the business?
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Achieving an authentic brand voice requires careful consistency in planning and execution. It can take years to build. Then, at a moment’s notice, your brand can be called on to respond to a crisis that its carefully crafted voice really wasn’t designed to address. There is no one-size-fits-all advice to the use of brand voice in crisis responses, but what we do know is that you absolutely need a clear understanding of your brand’s values and be able to relate those values to the crisis at hand.
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Yum! Brands, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the biggest fast food companies in the world. With 34,000 employees (not including hundreds of thousands who work for franchisees) and revenues around $6 billion, it’s hardly surprising that a company like Yum! Brands would make significant purchases, but the company’s recent acquisition of Kvantum raised a few eyebrows.
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Thanks to the seismic shift in the modern work environment caused by the pandemic in 2020, remote meetings are a fact of life for many office workers across the U.S. However, even with modern technology, to successfully conduct a remote meeting requires some additional work on the leader’s part. If you’re going to be hosting remote meetings in the future, here are a few best practices to consider.
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Free trials are often a tempting method for attracting new customers. In the ideal scenario, a potential customer takes advantage of a free trial offer to test a product or service, and after realizing the value gained becomes a lifetime subscriber or recurring purchaser. Customers as well tend to prefer a free trial because there’s no upfront commitment to gain access to the promoted service or product. Before you consider a free trial of your products or services, there are a few key things to consider.
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