If you’re not running an integrated marketing strategy, you probably should be, and that means hiring a full-service integrated marketing agency that knows their way around the myriad techniques and channels you’ll be using. But to make sure you’re getting the best possible results from your marketing agency, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
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To whichever marketing director, CMO, or other marketing head honcho it may concern,
It’s us, your friendly neighborhood marketing agency. We know, we haven’t always gotten along, but remember: we’re on the same team! We’re both very good at sniffing out insights and turning them into action, and we’re both proud of it, which is why we have a history of butting heads sometimes.
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When the COVID-19 pandemic came down in earnest in March of 2020, a lot of companies were thrown for a loop. The net result has been a flood of messaging to a group of people who aren’t especially receptive to marketing in these stressful times. They might not want to hear from you at all, but you need to keep your business afloat, and that means sending emails. Here’s how to stand out without overwhelming your customers.
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You’re hiring an agency to solve a problem — lack of bandwidth, lack of resources, a fresh new take, or simply a new perspective on marketing efforts that aren’t working. You need to know that your new agency will solve that problem. Here’s what to look for.
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One thing’s for sure — now, more than ever, you can’t afford to waste time, money, or human resources. This is the time to take a serious look at the way your marketing is being done and keep a sharp eye out for any of these major mistakes that might be holding you back.
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So you’re shopping for a new marketing agency. Maybe you’ve grown beyond the capacity of your current agency, maybe you just started your company or you need to get your name out there. Whatever the reason, we’re here to help. So what should you look for in an agency? We’ve got some ideas.
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Account-based advertising is like any other digital advertising campaign, except it’s laser-focused. Rather than casting a net to anyone who might be interested in what you’re offering, you can narrow in on only the accounts you want to engage.
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Your job doesn’t end when you get someone to make a purchase — in fact, it’s just beginning. Returning customers are your best source of income, given that they can bring in business themselves. In fact, the ROI on a returning or repeat customer is between five and 25 times better than that of attracting a new customer, depending on who you ask.
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